Scegli area intervento
Bankruptcy crimes
Corporate crimes
Banking crimes
Financial crimes
Tax crimes
Employment law crimes
Liability of legal entities under Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001
Privacy crimes
Crime against the Public Administration and the public trust
Environmental crimes
Cyber crimes
Healthcare professionals’ liability
Crime against the Public Administration and the public trust

The criminal code and the special laws devote significant space to the punishment of offences that undermine the impartial nature, transparency and proper operation of the Public Administration, as well as the correctness of economic and legal transactions concluded between private parties and subjects representing the public interest.
The assistance, in and out of court, provided to companies and natural persons involved in this significant area of criminal law, reflects the long-standing experience acquired within the field, focusing in particular on the offences of bribery (direct and indirect, national and international), extortion and abuse of office.